
How “Maximum Medical Improvement” Impacts Your Personal Injury Claim

How “Maximum Medical Improvement” Impacts Your Personal Injury Claim

How “Maximum Medical Improvement” Impacts Your Personal Injury Claim

By Jan Hoen

Personal injuries in Virginia can take months or even years to recover from. You have the right to seek compensation from at-fault parties and, in the aftermath, may face pressure to accept an immediate settlement. 

Our experienced Hampton personal injury lawyer at Hampton Injury Law, PLC explains how not waiting until you have reached a level of maximum medical improvement could impact your rights in a claim. 

What Does ‘Maximum Medical Improvement’ Mean?

Personal injuries are those caused by the negligent actions of others. This means they either took reckless actions that put you at risk or failed to take otherwise reasonable precautions. It is important to seek immediate medical care in the aftermath, regardless of the severity of your symptoms. Your doctor will provide a diagnosis of your injuries and, after ongoing care, determine when you have reached a maximum medical improvement (MMI). 

This is a common term in personal injury cases and means any ongoing issues you suffer from will likely result in permanent impairments. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), any type of accidental injury is a serious matter and can impact your health for years into the future. However, some personal injuries have a higher risk of permanent medical impairment (RPMI). These include: 

  • Soft tissue injuries, such as muscle tears or tendon sprains, strains, and bruising
  • Complex fractures may require years for bones to come together and heal fully
  • Head injuries, which impact the brain, can cause long-term physical, emotional, and cognitive impairments
  • Spinal cord injuries can leave victims suffering partial or complete paralysis 

How Settling A Personal Injury Claim Too Soon Could Impact Your Rights

Insurers know that, in the aftermath of an accident, victims are often traumatized and may be eager to accept a settlement and put the incident behind them. They may also be facing financial pressure due to mounting medical bills and lost wages. However, settling before reaching the level of maximum medical improvement jeopardizes your rights and can leave you paying out-of-pocket for years into the future.

For this reason, the Virginia Code allows up to two years to file a personal injury claim. This gives your doctors and our attorneys time to determine the following: 

  • The full extent of your injuries
  • Any ongoing testing or treatment you may require
  • Whether you are likely to suffer long-term disabilities
  • How these could impact your ability to work or otherwise provide for your loved ones

Keep in mind that you only have one chance to get compensation in a personal injury claim. Once you accept a settlement, your claim has essentially concluded. You waive the right to future compensation. 

Schedule A Case Evaluation With Our Hampton Personal Injury Attorneys

Hampton Injury Law, PLC is known for providing the trusted legal guidance you need when personal injuries happen. We protect you against accepting a settlement that is less than what you need to recover. To request a case evaluation, you are welcome to call or contact our Hampton personal injury attorneys online today. 

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