
How to Avoid a Car Accident Due to Tire Failure

How to Avoid a Car Accident Due to Tire Failure

How to Avoid a Car Accident Due to Tire Failure

By Jan Hoen

When driving down Virginia roadways at speeds up to 75 miles or more, you may not think too much of the role your car’s tires play in getting you safely to your destination. Then, you hear the loud pop that sends your vehicle careening out of control, into a ditch, or into the path of oncoming traffic. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), accidents due to tire failure are a serious problem, which reports that there are more than 78,000 crashes every year that are linked to flat tires, blowouts, and other tire issues. These accidents lead to around 414 deaths, while another 10,275 victims are injured in such incidents.

Fortunately, you can protect yourself and your vehicle’s occupants by following a few tire safety tips. A Virginia auto crash lawyer can provide legal assistance for collisions caused by someone else’s negligence, but you should note a few recommendations on how to avoid a car accident due to tire failure.

Tire Safety Tips to Protect Against Accidents

Once you realize that pressure and inflation is the primary cause of crashes involving tire failure, you can see why learning proper safety and maintenance practices are crucial. Most do not require specialized knowledge, though you should work with a qualified professional for more technical issues. Some tips include:

  • Check tire pressure regularly, even if your vehicle is equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). Technology cannot replace a more thorough, accurate inspection that you conduct with the old school stick or dial pressure gauges.
  • Periodically inspect tires for wear and tear, especially if they have logged considerable mileage. You can check by grabbing a penny and sliding it into the groove of the tire, the head side facing you. If you can see all of Lincoln’s head, make it a priority to change your tires. Worn tires are a particular concern in Virginia rainstorms when standing water increases your stopping distance.
  • Work out a schedule for tire rotation at approximately every 3,000 to 4,000 miles. Uneven wear can create slippage and increase the potential for serious car accidents.
  • Replace old tires according to the manufacturer or automaker instructions, which typically recommendations six years. 

Stay Current on Tire Failure Issues

Conducting regular maintenance and inspections will only go so far to protect against accidents, as there may be deeper issues involved with tire failure. It is important to keep yourself informed on product recalls and pay attention to media coverage on tire defects. Errors in manufacturing or design mistakes can lead to weaknesses or other flaws in the tire’s construction, leading to accident-causing tire failure.

Get More Information from a Virginia Auto Crash Attorney

While these tips may help you avoid collisions caused by tire failure, there is little you can do to prevent accidents linked to negligent acts by others. For more information on your rights and options for recovering monetary damages, please call Hampton Injury Law to schedule a case evaluation with a skilled Virginia car accident lawyer.

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